Any foreigner or foreign enterprise intending to apply for the registration of a trademark or for any other matters concerning a trademark in China shall entrust any of such organizations as designated by the State to act as his or its agent. 第十条外国人或者外国企业在中国申请商标注册和办理其他商标事宜的,应当委托国家指定的组织代理。
Article 27 Enterprises engaged in food production or marketing as well as food vendors must obtain a hygiene licence issued by the administrative department of public health before they shall be permitted to apply for registration with the administrative departments of industry and commerce. 第二十七条食品生产经营企业和食品摊贩,必须先取得卫生行政部门发放的卫生许可证方可向工商行政管理部门申请登记。
How can I apply for a registration card? 我怎样能申请一张挂号卡?
But as she does not posses any marriage certificate, the young woman is not able to apply for registration. 但是由于她没有结婚证,导致她无法为儿子申请户籍。
A company which establishes a branch shall apply for registration with the company registration authority at the level of municipality or county where the branch is located; 公司设立分公司的,应当向分公司所在地的市、县公司登记机关申请登记;
You have the obligation to apply for business registration. 你须为业务申请商业登记。
Where two or more enterprises apply for registration of the same enterprise name to different registration authorities, the registration authorities shall examine and verify the applications according to the principle of earlier acceptance of the application. 两个以上企业向不同登记主管机关申请相同的企业名称,登记主管机关依照受理在先原则核定。
This section provides information for those nurses and midwives from outside the European Union who wish to apply for registration as a nurse or midwife with the NMC. 本文将向那些来自欧盟以外.希望在NMC申请注册为护士或助产士的护士或助产士提供信息。
To apply for mining registration and receiving the license for mining. 请办理采矿登记,领取采矿许可证。
A new company which is established due to a merger or division shall apply for registration of establishment. 因合并、分立而新设立的公司,应当申请设立登记。
The interested party may apply for dissidence registration, in case the holder recorded in the realty register does not agree to the alteration. 不动产登记簿记载的权利人不同意更正的,利害关系人可以申请异议登记。
Shall not change, change rooms or beds, room restriction is only for your own accommodation, residential accommodation of others, we shall have to apply for registration. 不得自行换、转房间或床位,客房限本人住宿,留宿他人必须另行办理住宿登记手续。
"Application by an individual for registration in a functional constituency and an EC subsector" to apply for registration. “个人登记为功能界别选民及选举委员会界别分组投票人申请书”申请登记为选民。
Editors and academics, through critical quarterlies, through college courses, support its orthodoxies. This section provides information for those nurses and midwives from outside the European Union who wish to apply for registration as a nurse or midwife with the NMC. 编辑和学术界人士通过评论刊物,通过大学的课程,维护它的正统性。本文将向那些来自欧盟以外.希望在NMC申请注册为护士或助产士的护士或助产士提供信息。
Yes. They will apply for the registration of your trademark. 是的,他们可以代你申请商标注册。
Apply for registration of change with the company registration authority in the fixed time limit and submit the relevant documents. 在规定的期限内向公司登记机关申请变更登记,并提交有关文件。
A limited liability company which changes its shareholders, should apply for registration of change within 30 days from the date of change 有限责任公司变更股东的,应当自股东发生变动之日起30日内申请变更登记
Please apply for tax registration for foreigners. 请办理外籍人员税务登记。
Even the producer forgot to apply for the registration renewal, the law grants a 6-months grace period. 连生产商都常常忘记申请注册续展,法律会给予6个月的宽限期。
Anyone who is unemployed should go to the local Unemployment Insurance Agencies to apply for registration for Unemployment Insurance. 凡失业的,要到当地失业保险经办机构办理失业保险金申领登记。
Upon receipt of the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person issued by the company registration authority, the company can engrave seals, open an account with a bank and apply for registration of paying taxes. 公司凭公司登记机关核发的《企业法人营业执照》刻制印章,开立银行账户,申请纳税登记。
To apply for the registration of a partnership enterprise, an applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity of the application materials. 申请办理合伙企业登记,申请人应当对申请材料的真实性负责。
A company, where it changes its domicile, should apply for registration of change before it moves to the new domicile and submit the certificate of using the new domicile. 公司变更住所的,应当在迁入新住所前申请变更登记,并提交新住所使用证明。
You can download the NMC overseas information booklet about how to apply for registration in the UK, or order a copy by mail from the Publications section of this website. 你可以下载有关如何在英国注册的NMC海外信息手册,或从网站出版部邮购一本。
Those who have obtained doctors'qualification may apply for registration with local health administration departments of the people's governments at or above the county level. 取得医师资格的,可以向所在地县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门申请注册。
Second, to rush to apply for registration of patents, trademarks and designs in China; 二是在华加紧注册专利、商标、外观设计等多方面的知识产权;
Trade mark law should protect immaterial cultural heritage and should state that immaterial cultural heritage can apply for registration as certification marks or collective marks. 商标法应当将非物质文化遗产纳入其保护范围,明确非物质文化遗产可以作为证明商标或集体商标申请注册。
According to the first application, first registered principle, the plaintiff is entitled to apply for registration according to the relevant legal procedures of this domain. 根据先申请先注册原则,原告根据相关的合法程序是有权申请注册此域名的。
In the readers subscription subsystem, reader can access the subsystem by login, reader can also Apply for registration, and the information is saved for RSS Feed 'subscription and management. 在读者订阅中心子系统中,读者通过登录进入子系统,同时也可进行注册申请,并将信息进行保存,以实现RSSFeed的订阅与管理。
The legislation also should provide a sound registration system for the transfer of forest ownership, make clear that the transfer of forest ownership can not apply for registration or the circumstances. 立法还应该规定完善的林权流转登记制度,对可以进行林权流转登记或不予办理的情形作出明确规定。